# Token Listing
https://github.com/dogtoken/assets (opens new window)
# To Add Logo
Fork the Github repository
Create folder with name of token smartcontact address in CHECKSUM format
.Tell your designer that token image must be in PNG format, avoid transparent background, recommended size 256x256px, with max file size of 100kB.
Upload your logo with file named
to previously created folder with smartcontract address, and if you done all correctly your path should look like this.blockchains/mintme/assets/0x9D8dd79F2d4ba9E1C3820d7659A5F5D2FA1C22eF/logo.png
npm run check
and make sure tests passCreate a pull request to the main repo
Add link to https://github.com/dogtoken/default-token-list (opens new window) Issue
# To add to Token List
Join the #listing-requests
channel in Discord (opens new window) and discuss with admins there. Please be prepared to provide all information about your project.
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